Flexible Homeschool Tutorials

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Add, View, Edit and Delete Students

Add Students

Laptop & Tablet:

To add a Student, click the Insert button in the toolbar and select "New Student”.


To add a Student, click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "Students". Click the Insert button in the toolbar.

Fill out the form. Click the “Save” button. We recommend entering all of your Students from the start.

View Students

To view a Student's information, click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "Students”. Then select the name of the Student whose information you would like to view.

Edit Students

To edit a Student, click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "Students". Select the Student you would like to edit.

Laptop & Tablet:

Click the Edit button in the toolbar.


Click the Action button in the toolbar. Select "Edit Student".

Make any desired changes then click the “Update” button.

Delete Students

To delete a Student, click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "Students". Select the Student you would like to delete.

Laptop & Tablet:

Click the Delete button in the toolbar and confirm your desire to delete.


Click the Action button in the toolbar. Select "Delete Student" and confirm your desire to delete.