Flexible Homeschool Tutorials

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School Work

Add, View, Edit and Delete School Work

Add School Work

Laptop & Tablet:

To add School Work, click the Insert button in the toolbar and select "New School Work”.


To add School Work click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "School Work". Click the Insert button in the toolbar.

Step 1

Multiple Students: You can add School Work to multiple Students by clicking their names at the top of the form. For instance, a family may have shared Art and Music Appreciation at the beginning of their school day called “Morning Time”. This is a nice feature for shared school experiences, but most of the time you will be adding School Work for each individual Student.

Naming: Next give the School Work a name. A good naming convention is to state the subject first, followed by a colon or dash, and then the name of the School Work. For instance, "Literature: Gulliver's Travels" and "Literature: History of English Lit". This will keep all of the work for a particular subject listed together in the tracking section.

General Instructions: The general instructions field is great for broad instructions like, “Read three chapters a week”. or “Do two sections in your work book each week”.

Providing general instructions on how to complete a School Work item over the course of the School Year can be key. These instructions (along with any attached Resources) appear in the Tracking section where daily work is scheduled and completed.

Keeping the instructions broad and general is important for having a flexible homeschool. "Read three chapters a week" or "Do six pages in your workbook" are better instructions than "Read pages 13-28 in your book" or "Do pages 6-12 in your workbook". The former instructions allow for flexibility. The later instructions do not.

Step 2

Resources: You can attach Resources to School Work items in two ways.

In the search box under the heading "Attach An Existing Resource", you can search for resources that have already been entered and attach them to this item of School Work.

You can also click one of the buttons under the "Attach A New Resource" heading to create a new Resource and attach it to this item of School Work. Resources created here will be in the Resource Manager.

New Book
New Link
New Audio
New Video
New App
Step 3

Schedule: Select the School Year for this School Work and set the number of Segments ("days") it will be done each week for each term. This can be done very quickly with the drop-down presets. However, if you need to fine-tune your schedule, you can click “Show Individual Weeks” and set each Week individually.

An important underlying concept of the app is to think of timeframes as representational, not concrete. For instance, Week 3 is simply the third week you do school not specifically September 3rd - 7th.

The same is true for Segments or “days”. Generally one Segment represents one “day”, but it does not represent a specific day like October 3rd.

These representational timeframes allow for flexibility. Once you are used to the concept, you will find it simplifies both your homeschool life and the use of Flexible Homeschool App.

Step 4

Weekday Labels: Select which days of the week you intend to do the item of School Work. This is not set in stone. You will have the opportunity to edit Segments on a weekly basis in the Tracking section. Or you can edit all the Weekday Labels here in the Planning section.

Leave the form blank if you do not want Weekday Labels, or make all of the required selections.

When you’re all finished, click the “Save” button.

View School Work

To view a School Work's information, click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "School Work”. Then select the School Work whose information you would like to view.

Edit School Work

To edit School Work, click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "School Work". Select the School Work you would like to edit.

Laptop & Tablet:

Click the Edit button in the toolbar.


Click the Action button in the toolbar. Select "Edit School Work".

Make any desired changes then click the “Update” button.

Delete School Work

To delete School Work, click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "School Work". Select the School Work you would like to delete.

Laptop & Tablet:

Click the Delete button in the toolbar and confirm your desire to delete.


Click the Action button in the toolbar. Select "Delete School Work" and confirm your desire to delete.