Flexible Homeschool Tutorials

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School Years

Add, View, Edit and Delete School Years

Add School Years

Laptop & Tablet:

To add a School Year, click the Insert button in the toolbar and select "New School Year”.


To add a School Year click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "School Years". Click the button in the toolbar.

Note, each time you set the number of Weeks for a Term you are presented with a new Term. We recommend between two and four Terms per year depending on your personal preferences.

An important underlying concept of the app is to think of timeframes as representational, not concrete. For instance, Week 3 is simply the third week you do school, not specifically September 3rd - 7th.

Do not concern yourself with interruptions (sickness, vacations, etc) when planning your Terms and Weeks per term. You can start and stop school as needed - Flexible Homeschool App won’t even notice. Simply insert the total number of weeks you plan to school that Term (Field Trips included).

Fill out the form. Click the “Save” button.

View School Years

To view a School Year's information, click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "School Years”. Then select the School Year whose information you would like to view.

Edit School Years

To edit a School Year, click the Plannng button in the navigation bar. Select "School Years". Select the School Year you would like to edit.

Laptop & Tablet:

Click the Edit button in the toolbar.


Click the Action button in the toolbar. Select "Edit School Year".

Make any desired changes then click the “Update” button.

Delete School Years

To delete a School Year, click the Planning button in the navigation bar. Select "School Years". Select the School Year you would like to delete.

Laptop & Tablet:

Click the Delete button in the toolbar and confirm your desire to delete.


Click the Action button in the toolbar. Select "Delete School Year" and confirm your desire to delete.