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Reporting Workflow

An overview of collating with Flexible Homeschool App.

A lot of information about your homeschool efforts can be recorded in the app. Collating that data into a variety of useful and printable formats happens in the Reporting section of the app.

Basic Process

Adding, editing and deleting a report works in the same fashion as other aspects of the app. To add a Report: Click the plus icon in the toolbar and select “New Report.” Fill out the form and click the “Save” button.

To edit: select a Report, click the “Edit” button in the toolbar, make any desired changes and click the “Update” button. To delete: select a Report, click the “Delete” button in the toolbar and confirm the delete.

To get a better understanding of the power and flexibility of Reports, let’s walk through the creation of three reports you might find helpful.

Report One: Weekly School Work

Some homeschool families find it useful to print a weekly report for each child that shows the School Work they need to do that week. Give the report a meaningful name, “Weekly School Work.”

Because this report will focus on School Work, turn off the School Year section. The Terms and Resources sections are already unchecked by default on new Reports.

That leaves you with the School Work section. Uncheck: Progress Bar, Time Statistics and Schedule Statistics. These items are not pertinent to helping a Student see what is expected that week.

That leaves you with General Instructions, which will let the Student know what is expected with each item of School Work, and Attached Resource, which will let the Student know what Resources are to be used.

You also want to turn on Weekly Data. This will show each Segment scheduled and its related information. Turn off the progress bar for Weekly Data and click the “Save” button.

Now you can choose the Student, Year, Term and Week you want and have a printable report of what’s expected for that week.

Report Two: Resources

Many homeschoolers like to include a list of Resources in each child’s portfolio.

Create a new Report and name it “Resources.” You can uncheck the School Year section and the School Work section. The Terms section is unchecked by default on all new Reports.

Turn on the Resources section. Its options are already set to what we want for this Report. Leave “Description” unchecked. Descriptions can be lengthy and provide more information than needed for a simple Resource list. Click the “Save” button.

Now you can choose the Student and Year you want, then set the Term to “All Terms” creating a printable report of the resources used for that year.

Report Two: Year End

Many homeschoolers like to include a summary of the year’s work in each child’s portfolio.

Create a new Report and name it “Year End.” The School Year section and the School Work section are on by default. The Terms section and the Resources section are unchecked by default. This is exactly what you want.

Leave everything checked under the School Year section. This report is designed to focus on broad statistics for the School Year. So uncheck “General Instructions” under School Work and leave Weekly Data unchecked. Click the “Save” button.

Now you can choose the Student and Year you want, then set the Term to “All Terms” creating a printable report of activities for the School Year.

That completes our walk through of the reporting workflow. Happy Homeschooling.