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Add, View, Edit and Delete Reports

Add Reports

Laptop & Tablet:

To add a Report, click the Insert button in the toolbar and select "New Report”.


To add a Report, click the Reporting button in the navigation bar. Select "Reports". Click the Insert button in the toolbar.

The presented form has a collection of checkbox options. Those options are divided into four sections: School Year, Terms, School Work and Resources. Clicking the checkbox beside any one of the headings turns on or off that entire section. Each item beneath the headings can be turned on or off individually. Give the report a name and click save.

Reports will take a bit longer to load than other parts of the app because a lot of data is being collected and calculated behind the scenes to generate the report.

View Reports

To view a Report's information, click the Reporting button in the navigation bar. Then select the name of the Report whose information you would like to view.

Edit Reports

To edit a Report, click the Reporting button in the navigation bar. Select the Report you would like to edit.

Laptop & Tablet:

Click the Edit button in the toolbar.


Click the Action button in the toolbar. Select "Edit Report".

Make any desired changes, then click the “Update” button.

Delete Reports

To delete a Report, click the Reporting button in the navigation bar. Select the Report you would like to delete.

Laptop & Tablet:

Click the Delete button in the toolbar and confirm your desire to delete.


Click the Action button in the toolbar. Select "Delete Report" and confirm your desire to delete.